Garage Sale Australia

About Us

We are a local advertising website helping to grow Australia's garage sale community and put it at a high level. We will develop our website over time and strive to help people find and sell items as quickly and easily as possible. We will provide our customers with appropriate maps, information, advice. Our mission is to make our customers satisfied in all cases, including factors such as territory, time, price and more.

How to use this site ?

You must be registered and logged in to place a sale.
If you want to see the sale, it's free.
There are two ways to search for sales. One is per zip code, simply enter the zip code and hit the submit button. If you want to have, in addition to sales from that postal code, also sales that are within a radius of several kilometers, select the desired radius and only then press the button.
Another way is through the address. You can select only the country or only the city or only the subject you are looking for, and you can also combine, for example, only the state and the city or only the country and the subject.


One sale can last a maximum of one year in the "from-to" filter option.
After a year, the system will automatically remove the ads even though the ad is set to last for several years.

The customer always has the option to remove his own sale.

A customer can set up multiple sales, up to 10.

You are required to display at least one photo of the item you are selling, and a maximum of three.

The client can remove his own account at any time with the delete option on the account page.
In that case he has 2 options to automatically remove his sale by removing the account or remove the account and keep his sale until the date specified in the ads.

The user can change his nickname, email address and password.

Type Zip code in Searcher and press return and see all sales at zip code area or type State or City or articles you need at appropriate fields and press submit at Find Yard Sales Page. If you want you can choose radius arround zip code position where you want to see sales in that circle area.

Then view the tabular list of sales and find the location on the map via the link see on map or see details of the sale on see more link.